What Happens During DBT Sessions?

A woman who wants to know what happens during DBT

Dialectical behavior therapy or DBT is a treatment approach that helps patients learn to cope with their emotional problems or symptoms of a mental illness. It is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that is designed to teach useful behavioral skills that reduce stress and increase mindfulness. Patients are able to have a set of strategies that help them deal with a crisis or a difficult situation that triggers their symptoms. If you would like to know more about dialectical behavior therapy and what happens during DBT, call us today at 424.235.2009.

What Happens During DBT?

DBT sessions focus on supporting patients as they make progress in reducing self-destructive behaviors. Therapists trained in DBT can help their patients recognize their own positive strengths so that they can develop and use these in their lives. The support they receive from therapists helps them become more self-aware and mindful throughout daily struggles.

Patients working on dialectical behavior therapy go through four main elements of their treatment including mindfulness, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness, and emotional regulation. Each component of this treatment helps them develop crucial skills that prevent them from reacting negatively when they are faced with a situation that triggers them. They can also learn to develop better communication so that they can improve their relationships, reduce conflict and express their needs assertively to others.

Want to know what happens during DBT? During a session, the therapist will learn about emotions that the patient experiences in certain situations and the triggers that overwhelm them. Once they have identified triggers they can work on a set of strategies that can prepare them to cope with problems as they come up. They can use mindfulness techniques, build up more positive emotions, employ effective communication skills and work through their feelings to get through a crisis.

Patients will go through each element of DBT one by one until they have built up a necessary skill set that will help them feel more comfortable in handling the symptoms of their mental health issues.

6 Benefits of Dialectical Behavior Therapy

1. Improved Emotion Regulation

Dialectical behavior therapy teaches skills to help people recognize, accept, and manage their emotions. This helps them reduce their emotional volatility and live in a more controlled manner.

2. Increased Self-Awareness

Through DBT, clients gain an understanding of themselves that allows them to identify the triggers of their emotions and reactions, as well as how to modify them. This improved self-awareness helps clients become more mindful and present in their lives.

3. Improved Interpersonal Skills

DBT teaches interpersonal effectiveness skills that help improve communication with other people. Clients learn how to be assertive without being aggressive, negotiate boundaries, resolve conflicts, and build meaningful relationships.

4. Coping with Stressful Situations

Through DBT, clients learn distress tolerance skills that help them cope with stressful situations and reduce the likelihood of engaging in self-destructive behaviors. These coping mechanisms enable clients to manage their stress better and build resilience against future challenges.

5. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills

Another benefit of DBT is that it teaches problem-solving skills. Clients learn how to analyze their problems, identify feasible solutions, and develop strategies for achieving successful outcomes.

6. Improved Quality of Life

By developing the skills taught in DBT, clients can lead happier, healthier lives with improved relationships and increased satisfaction. The goal of DBT is to help individuals manage their emotions, build better interpersonal skills, and lead more meaningful lives.

Get the Help You Need From Seasons in Malibu

Seasons in Malibu offers personalized dialectical behavior therapy to meet the unique needs of each individual. Our experienced clinical team works one-on-one with clients to provide comprehensive, compassionate care. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you, contact us today at 424.235.2009 or reach out online.