Outside Rehab: Three Simple Tips for a Happier You

If you have reached a jumping off point, and you are ready to address your addiction there is a place to go. The first step towards breaking the cycle of addiction is always admitting there is an issue. Once that step has been taken, there are options out there for you to get help. The question is, how do you begin life once you’re done with rehab? In order to help you make the most out of your treatment we have a few simple tips for you to consider.

Take Small Steps – Outside Rehab

Choosing to stay sober for the rest of your life is no easy task. In fact, a big goal like that can be quite overwhelming. It is important to remember not to be too hard on yourself.  Focus first on doing small things before you tackle the big ones. Doing the small things and following a routine help structure your day in a way that is healthy and can help return normality to it. Everyday tasks like these are not only manageable, but they also remind you about life outside of addiction.

Building a Support Network

Bankole A. Johnson on Washington Post says to establish a network with people who were with you during alcohol rehab in Malibu. Your therapists and counselors can also be effective members of your support network along with your family and friends. It is important to have the support network around you of those people who you know can understand your problems. You share a common struggle with them, and because of this sobriety becomes tends to even out when you surround yourself with people who can offer support to you.

Realistic Expectations

Having realistic expectations is more about not expecting everything to run smoothly once you’re out of rehab. There will be times when the road gets rough, and you will not always have a sunny disposition. Remember, it is normal to feel that way every now and then. Those thoughts and cravings eventually subside through work and staying accountable.

Recovering from alcohol addiction is not easy. Remember, understanding that sobriety happens one day at a time is the key to healthy sobriety. By setting realistic expectations, building a support network, and taking small steps one at a time you can maintain and enhance your life.