Orchestrating an intervention for a loved one can be a delicate and stressful endeavor. However, when the people close to an addict feel like they need to stage an intervention, chances are the addict is in desperate need of help. Interventions are often considered the last resort to get someone help. An intervention shouldn’t be staged without careful planning and the assistance of a professional interventionist. The ultimate goal of an intervention is to get the addict to agree to get treatment, and not to estrange them even more. Relations between the two parties can be so strained, that a professional interventionist needs to be present to provide the proper moderation and guidance. For anyone wanting to stage an , here are the parts necessary to perform one successfully.
Carefully Research The Situation
A lot needs to be considered before putting the wheels of an intervention in motion. Things that need to considered are:
- What treatment center will be offered to the addict?
- Will insurance cover the costs?
- Who are the closest people to the addict?
- Is the addiction immediately life-threatening?
- Are there children involved who might be affected?
All of these things need to considered to set a time-frame. For example if the addict’s personal safety or safety of children involved in the situation are at stake, then the intervention needs to be put in motion right away. However, if the situation isn’t that immediate, more time can be taken to research the right treatment center, who is available to be involved in the intervention, and where it should take place.
Gather The Right People
Once the situation is assessed, then one of the most important parts of the intervention needs to be organized, which is gathering the right people to stage the intervention with. Gauge who is willing to take the time to attend and when they are all available, and where the meeting will take place. Then ask them to write a letter stating to the addict why treatment must be sought immediately, and how it has negatively affected them. Then the order of who reads their letter should be decided. As mentioned before, a successful intervention needs to be orchestrated with care and planning to have the best chance of convincing the addict that treatment is the right solution. Once this part has been organized and planned, then the final part of planning the intervention can be done.
Find A Professional
It’s essential that an intervention professional be brought on board to make sure that everything is done to ensure success. The professional can help with the letters, figuring out the best location, and the best way to approach the addict. The professional can also provide some counseling and advice to the people who will be staging the intervention, so as to avoid conflict and figure out the best way to interact with the addict. Once the professional has been consulted, the team is in place, and the location figured out the intervention can then be staged.
Consider All Outcomes Before Going Forward
However, one more important thing the people who are staging the intervention should consider are all the possible outcomes. The best case scenario is of course the meeting going smoothly, and the addict willingly decides that getting treatment is the best option. Unfortunately, even the best laid plans can go awry. There is also the possibility of the addict refusing treatment and the intervention causing an estrangement. In this case, the people staging the intervention should be prepared for that outcome, but understand that they are going to lose that person to addiction anyways, so the benefits far outweigh the consequences. And with the proper planning, an intervention may even save that person’s life and future.