New Year Same Depression

Depression in the new year

People often start the new year off with a sense of optimism about making important changes in their life and beginning new things. However, for people that struggle with the symptoms of depression the new year can look very much the same as any other year. It can be difficult to set goals and resolutions or feel motivated to make any changes when depression has a strong hold on your life.

However, for anyone entering the new year who is tired of feeling too depressed to start any of the lifestyle changes that your friends have been making you can still think about doing something positive for yourself. Entering treatment or getting help from a therapist can get you back on track so that you can start to minimize some of the symptoms of depression and start to see changes in your life. The important to understand is that you don’t have to simply live with depression, you can take steps to recovery by getting professional help.

Not everyone who experiences depression realizes that they are suffering from an illness that is treatable. Many people may feel that they are dealing with something that is just part of their personality and is not curable for them. However, the symptoms of depression are not a life sentence, they can be reduced by learning certain coping mechanisms and strategies for handling the difficulties of daily life.

Understanding the Symptoms of Depression

If you have been feeling depressed for some time but you aren’t sure if you need to be diagnosed with clinical depression then it can be helpful to familiarize yourself with the symptoms associated with major depression. There is a difference between the natural cycle of ups and downs that people experience with their mood and emotions and the signs of a serious mental illness. When you know the symptoms of depression you can consider whether you might need to see a professional for an assessment.

  • There are some of the most common symptoms of depression:
  • Feelings of hopelessness, guilt or worthlessness
  • Trouble focusing and difficulty remembering details
  • Sleep problems such as insomnia or feeling constantly tired
  • Restlessness and irritability
  • Loss of interest in things you once enjoyed
  • Unexplained aches and pains
  • Appetite or weight changes
  • Persistent sad, anxious or empty feelings
  • Suicidal thoughts or attempts

If you have any of these symptoms consistently for more than a few months without relief then you may be suffering from clinical depression. People who have these symptoms for extended periods of time and they are not related to any specific situation or temporary problem may be suffering from a mental illness. When you are having difficulty bouncing back to a normal baseline of feeling “okay” then you might need to talk to a professional.

Making Changes and Getting Help

When you realize that you have a mental illness it gives you a starting point to try to make some changes and do your best to treat the problem. If you look at depression as a disease that is manageable with things that can help like medication, individual therapy or even just self-care then it can seem less daunting. Looking at the bigger picture can help you understand that your depression is not you, it is simply something you have.

The first step to take in order to create change in your life is to talk to someone who can help you manage your depression. You can start with finding a therapist either through personal individual sessions or through a treatment center that offers depression recovery. Whether you want to enter a treatment center or simply talk to someone one on one depends on your personal needs and the severity of your symptoms.

Someone who has suffered from very severe depression for a long time and needs a lot of assistance with reducing their symptoms might want to get extra support by enrolling in a treatment facility. Living in a residential treatment center can help you by allowing you to take some time out from your normal life and get away from the surroundings where you feel depressed. Being in a new space and talking with people who have many of the same symptoms can be a very healing experience for someone with depression.

If you choose to start with individual therapy sessions, the therapist can help you begin to change some of the thinking patterns that are contributing to your depression. They can also talk with you about things in your past that may have caused the symptoms to appear. In many cases, depression is a combination of genetic and environmental factors that lead someone to develop symptoms over time.

As the new year progresses it is important to understand that even issues like depression are something that you have the power to change. If you need help with depression contact a local treatment center or therapist as soon as possible.