In October, CBS News introduced a two week series called #14Days on the Wagon in an attempt to generate support and increase awareness of the struggle millions of Americans are going through with drug and alcohol addiction. Viewers of the CBS series were invited to participate by cutting drugs and alcohol from their own lives for the duration of the two weeks.
By doing so, organizers of the series hoped to get participants to be more aware of their own addictive daily habits, and in the process develop more compassion for all the people out there struggling with alcohol and drug addictions. Participating in the series was meant to be a show of solidarity with anyone you may know who is struggling with the disease.
Abuse of drugs or alcohol is currently the leading cause of death and illness in America, beating out all the other treatable diseases out there. There are around 23 million Americans experiencing some type of substance abuse problem who need help, and the number continues to rise. The Centers of Disease Control has called this current problem an epidemic, which is leading many to take action.
The #14Days series not only aimed to raise awareness and understanding of the issue, it also offered helpful guidance and support for those who are currently battling addictions of their own. Each day of the series featured an expert in the field of recovery offering advice and often even sharing their own journey with addiction. The topics in the series ranged from nutrition and exercise to stress management and mental health to the effect recovery has on a whole family. The series attempted to cover the wide variety of concerns, struggles, and misconceptions that so many are faced with during the recovery process.
Highlights of the #14Days Series
The following is a short summary of what was covered during each day of the #14Days series.
Day 1 : An introduction to the series and background information on the staggering number of Americans struggling with the disease. The first day invited viewers to participate and explained how their support could contribute to the movement.
Day 2 : Tips on how to get started on the journey with Tommy Rosen, founder of Recovery 2.0 and author. Rosen offered guidelines for viewers to gather support and stay focused and healthy during the challenge.
Day 3 : In Times Square, Nick Ortner explores alternative techniques for reducing stress that can be especially valuable for those in recovery.
Day 4 : Dr. Drew attempts to clear up common misconceptions about addiction and talks about how the brain plays a role.
Day 5 : An alternative to complete abstinence from alcohol is discussed with the founder of a treatment center called Alternative Addictions.
Day 6 : Mastin Kipp, a recovered addict, offers tips for dealing with the obstacles that inevitable come your way during the recovery journey.
Day 7 : How addiction affects the whole family and information about programs that can help every member cope.
Day 8 : Author and speaker Gabrielle Bernstein talks about her own journey through recovery.
Day 9 : How a regular yoga practice along with a healthy diet can help prevent relapse, increase focus, and relieve stress.
Day 10 : What is involved in an intervention and how to begin setting one up for a loved one.
Day 11 : The difficulty in developing compassion for someone with an addiction and information on how it takes root in the brain and through emotional trauma.
Day 12 : How a hallucinogenic drug called Psilocybin may actually help treat addiction.
Day 13 : An update on how viewers on doing, with blog posts, articles, and commentary from participants.
Day 14 : Closing the series with a summary of the past 2 weeks and commentary from guests.