How Biofeedback Treats Addiction

A woman undergoing biofeedback therapy

There are lots of physical symptoms that a person goes through when they are struggling with addiction and especially during alcohol recovery programs. Certain types of therapy can help address those physical changes that occur in the body when an addicted individual is feeling stressed or going through cravings. Biofeedback therapy can be used to gather information about a person’s physical state so that medical and psychological treatment can be used to help resolve stress.

This type of therapy is helpful because it gives a person an understanding of their body and how it is responding to different types of situations. Biofeedback therapy is frequently used in addiction treatment because it helps give a person more control over their body and how they feel.

Studies have shown that biofeedback therapy can be very effective in helping people with addiction issues. According to a study conducted by UCLA, 96% of individuals who participated in a combination of traditional substance abuse therapy and biofeedback achieved full recovery after one year.

Would you like to know more about addiction therapy programs? Call us today at 424.235.2009.

How Does Biofeedback Work?

During biofeedback therapy, a patient has electronic sensors placed on their skin that are wired to a special medical device providing feedback to a medical professional about the person’s vital signs. It mainly measures involuntary functions that may indicate the person’s stress level or state of mind. It usually tracks things like a person’s breathing rate, heart rate, skin temperature, blood pressure, sweating and muscle contractions.

The biofeedback machine will measure these physical changes and display them back to the recovering addict so that they are aware of their stress response. The patient can then practice using stress-relieving techniques such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation or other tools to see how their body responds. It helps them not only master these techniques but also see a visual representation of how they effectively relieve their stress.

Biofeedback therapy sessions help those in recovery become more aware of physical sensations in their body and they can learn to control them as they see visually that their heart, breathing rate or blood pressure is going down. Biofeedback exercises like mindful meditation, progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery all work to soothe physical stress and cause noticeable changes in vital signs. Over time, patients will become more skilled at responding to their stress levels and will be able to maintain a feeling of calm that helps them get through recovery.

Biofeedback Therapy at Seasons in Malibu

At Seasons in Malibu, we use biofeedback therapy as part of our comprehensive addiction treatment program. Our team of dedicated medical and psychological professionals makes sure that every patient is getting the treatment they need to manage their addiction and begin a journey toward a healthier life. We understand how difficult it can be to break away from addiction, and our experienced biofeedback therapists are here to help.

Biofeedback therapy helps patients become more aware of the physical changes that occur in their bodies when they’re feeling stressed or having cravings. Our team will work with each patient to develop coping skills and techniques for use during difficult times. This type of therapy is an important tool in the recovery process that helps patients develop resilience and move forward with their lives.

If you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction, contact us today at 424.235.2009 to learn more about how we can help. Our experienced team will work closely with you to provide the care and support needed for your long-term recovery. With our comprehensive approach to treatment, we will make sure you are on the path to a healthier, happier life.