For people struggling with finding happiness, it may be helpful to take a different perspective on what makes someone able to be happy through genetics. A psychologist recently proposed her own theory on what constitutes a person’s ability to create happiness in their own life. According to Sonja Lyubomirsky, happiness is 50 percent genetically predetermined, 10 percent due to life circumstances 40 percent the result of someone’s personal outlook.
Genetic Insights into Happiness Pursuit
Even genetics may be one of the strongest factors in mental health and happiness, individuals who can improve their personal outlook will be able to overcome some of their genetic issues. People who are predisposed to depression or anxiety because of a family history of these illnesses may struggle more to find happiness. But genes do not guarantee that a person will be unhappy or suffer from mental illness if they are able to make healthy choices and focus on optimistic beliefs about life. The best rehab could help.
A person’s outlook on life in many cases can help prevent or allow them to manage issues with depression. Someone who sees everything negatively and has a pessimistic view of life will experience more feelings of sadness and find it difficult to feel happiness. Getting out of a negative cycle of thoughts and beliefs can lead to some very positive outcomes for mental well being.
Overcoming the strength of genetics is possible through changing your mindset and understanding the influence of life circumstances as well. Going to a therapist can help you learn to change your personal outlook and make it possible to experience more happiness in your life. Positive thinking and optimism are habits you can learn which can transform your outlook over time. You may also consider going to a Malibu rehabilitation center.
Genetics are definitely not something to ignore when it comes to mental health but your view of the world and beliefs about life can lead to more happiness. Learn about drug and alcohol treatment centers.